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Enhancing Professional Education

Proficiency-Based Training

Surgical Science’s simulation technology offers a realistic training experience with state-of-the-art graphics and tactile feedback. Our extensive library of procedures and curricula, developed with medical society experts, addresses challenges such as language barriers, engagement, and hands-on learning requirements.

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Meeting HCPs Expectations

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Simulation training provides experienced healthcare professionals with a safe environment to learn new procedures and technologies, refresh their knowledge and skills, and prepare for rare or unexpected events.

Surgical Science’s customized simulation solutions allow you to measure the success of your professional education programs. With this valuable data in hand, you can improve what you have today and provide more deliberate hands-on training.

Customize your solution
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A Learner-Centric Approach

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HCPs expect to gain knowledge or skills and they also expect to be engaged.

To know if your hands-on training program is valuable for your HCPs, you can answer the questions below:

  • Is the face-to-face training perceived as relevant?
  • Is it based on, and built on, the HCPs previous experiences?
  • Can it be immediately applied in practice?
RobotiX Mentor simulator exercise: inguinal hernia training

Realistic Hands-on Training With Your Devices

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Instead of, or in addition to, animal and cadaver training, you can provide realistic procedure training, in a safe environment – away from the patient.

We integrate your handles or grips into our hardware, software and learning management system, including branding and your choice of procedures and curricula.

Our technologies

Training Programs That Align With Business Value

To know if your training delivers business value you can use the Kirkpatrick’s Model, the four levels of training evaluation:

  • Did your learners enjoy the training?
  • Did learning transfer occur?
  • Did their learning change behavior?
  • Did their training influence performance?

You can also measure learning outcomes by monitoring the performance of individuals, which can be used to create detailed reports providing individual feedback and KPIs for different stakeholders.

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Build Courses, See Proficiency Remotely

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With MentorLearn you can:

  • Collect and see usage data: make data-driven decisions
  • Build courses, see proficiency remotely: create your training classes, and assign courses
  • Design your curricula: pick from a pre-set library and customize to your specific training needs
  • Prepare for online learning: share videos and reading materials to participants before-hand
  • Objective debriefing: document participant progress with comprehensive objective metrics
More about MentorLearn

The Benefits of Simulation Training

Safety: Simulation allows HCPs to practice procedures and techniques in a safe and controlled environment, without risk to patients.

Realism: Our simulation technology provides highly realistic scenarios, allowing HCPs to practice on both normal anatomy and pathologies.

Flexibility: Realistic simulation allows your trainers to create customized training programs that meet the specific needs of their learners.

Standardization: With simulation you can create standardized training programs which can be used to consistently train your staff and HCPs across various locations, cultures, and languages. Ensure that all learners are receiving the same level of training, no matter where they are.

Assessment: Our simulation technology provides you with objective data on learner performance. With this data in hand, trainers can identify areas where learners need additional support and provide valuable feedback.

Adoption and compliance: Simulation can assist in providing evidence of safe use and adoption of new products and updates, thus ensuring compliance, and reducing adverse event.

Branding MedTech

Customize Your Hands-on Training Solution

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You can customize your medical simulation solution together with our team.

  • Choose the platform, we have full suites and portable versions – integrated with your devices and grips
  • With an extensive library of procedures, you can choose the one you need and develop additional procedures with our team
  • Choose the curricula, we have existing curricula and you can also build your unique courses
  • Create your own benchmarks and reports
  • Add your branding identity to the simulator

Get in contact to see more possibilities of how we together can customize your hands-on training to improve clinical proficiency and performance.

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