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Mountainous Landscape with Wind Turbines for Renewable Energy Generative AI


We at Surgical Science are committed to operate in a socially responsible manner, and we work continuously to integrate sustainability in our operations. Respect for human rights, the environment and combating corruption are evident in our day-to-day activities and this work is governed by internal regulations and international guidelines.

The ambition is to integrate sustainability to an even greater degree within all departments in our company, and we are therefore continuously working to develop guidelines regarding the company’s responsibility and conduct in relation to employees, customers, partners, owners, suppliers and other important stakeholders.


Sustainability Report 2023

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Surgical Science works actively to be an attractive workplace and sets targets to generate a high degree of employee engagement and a good working environment.

The company has identified four Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth

SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production

Read the Sustainability Report 2023

On a Mission to Enhance Patient Safety and Healthcare Outcomes With Validated Medical Simulation Training

Surgical Science is a medical simulation company by heart, run by humans dedicating their actions and passions for people, medicine and technology to enhance patient safety and healthcare outcomes worldwide.

HPCs training on an Angio Mentor Flex Pro simulator by Surgical Science

Environment and Climate

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Surgical Science’s goal is to design components that are easy to manufacture and products that are stable, reliable, and have low weight and volume. This makes them less resource-heavy during delivery.

The products are also resource-efficient in use due to their long lifespan, low electricity consumption, and often low need for service.

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Social Responsibility

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Surgical Science’s operations improve sustainability in society as medical simulation increases patient safety and improves control over healthcare costs as resource waste is reduced.

Computer-based simulation increases efficiency in healthcare, lowers costs in a patient-safe manner, and provides better outcomes which in turn improves patients’ quality of life.

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Surgical Science is a knowledge-intensive company and its employees and their specific skills are a key asset for long-term competitiveness and

Consequently, the company’s efforts to be an attractive employer and a sustainable workplace characterized by commitment and well-being are focus areas. Surgical Science offers several incentives to foster increased commitment and health among employees.

Read More About our Organization
Working at Surgical Science

Employees and Culture

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Surgical Science’s operations are founded on people and the way we act. Our values and the accounts of what they mean to us are set out in our book of values, which you can find below.

Fostering a strong and shared corporate culture is of great importance to the company’s operations as this ensures a high level of employee commitment, facilitating the continued supply of high-quality and innovative products for better patient safety.

View our Book of Values
Developer at Surgical Science

Business Ethics and Sustainable Supply Chain

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Surgical Science’s code of conduct lays the foundation for how the company views and will work on issues including business ethics, the work environment, environmental considerations, and human rights.

Surgical Science is committed to treating all business partners fairly and to comply with international trade regulations.

Surgical Science has zero tolerance for corruption, money laundering, forced labor or child labor in its business or among its suppliers, customers, or other business partners.

Access our Code of conduct

ISO Certificates

Within the framework of Surgical Science’s quality efforts, we continuously work with quality and the environment. Find our current certificates for each production facility below.

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